So many details missing. You do not explain why you are getting data from Excel, or if the Excel data has the SharePoint Id etc.
If you want to use Get Item you have to know the ID of the item in SharePoint.
As for the loops etc and why the Title is there, its because you are not grabbing the value at the right now.
The thing is, if you use the Get Items, yes it returns an array of items, but if your filter only retries 1 it only loops (in your apply to each), 1 time.
Please provide mot details in each step that you are doing, and where stuff comes from. You are going to get a Loop when you place the ID because you used the Get Items and without the error I cannot explain what is wrong.
There is no reason why it would loop more than 1 time, as long as your Filter in the Get Items has clear details that make it unique, then you wont care about looping or not.
However to access things without looping you would do
outputs('My Get Files Action')?['body/value']?[0]?['My Data Field']
where 0 is the Index of the data you want from the Array. If you had only one item then it would just be [0]