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Pulling Data from Branching Choice Option in Microsoft Forms and Putting Info in Excel

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I created a Microsoft Form that has branching options based on four training options and the quarters of the year.
The quarters of the year being January through March, April through June, July through September, and October through December.
If someone wants to do training during the first quarter, January through March, they cannot do any of the other training during that quarter. They are presented with a branching option to select a different quarter for the next set of training.
For example: User selects Q1 for training and gets presented with Q2, Q3, and Q4 for the next set of training. 
Because it is branching, there are different options presented based on the initial quarter selected. If they select Q3 as the first choice, they are then presented with Q1, Q2, and Q4. This branching continues until they are complete.
The problem I'm running into is, when the information posts in Excel, it only shows the first choice they selected, because it is the only one that only has one list of choices, and no branches. All the other choices are based on branches and that appears to be why they don't populate the fields.
Therefore, I'm trying to figure out how to look across the different options across the branches to pull the selected choice and place it in the Excel field. 
I was thinking it would be a "select" option with a key of the excel field and the value from the choice inputs, but I'm not exactly sure how to figure that out.
Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated. I'm very new in the use of Power Automate, and I have been searching like crazy and watching a lot of YouTube videos trying to figure this out.
  • CU07102108-1 Profile Picture
    CU07102108-1 2 on at
    Pulling Data from Branching Choice Option in Microsoft Forms and Putting Info in Excel
    Thanks FLMike for your response. Seems like I was able to figure it out. 
    It was actually pretty simple, because of the way I had the form set up, that all I needed to do was put all potential responses in the same field in my flow. The only information that would show up is the information that was selected.
    Cheers! And thanks again for jumping on the post.
  • Suggested answer
    FLMike Profile Picture
    FLMike 31,580 on at
    Pulling Data from Branching Choice Option in Microsoft Forms and Putting Info in Excel
    I am not sure I understand what you mean by it doesn't show up in the Excel.
    If its not there then the issue is in your flow. Kindly share your flow as there isn't a way to help you based on the information above.

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