Hey all,
I'm having an issue on a PCF after updating to 1.7.2. My project builds fine, but when I run an npm start on my project, I get this error: UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'compileTime' of undefined.
Here's a screenshot with more information:
The error tells me the issue is on line 67 of pcf-scripts.js, from within the pcf-scripts package. Here's a screenshot of that line and a few relevant lines around it:
So my first thought to fix this issue was to just roll back to a previous version. I plugged "pac use 1.5.5" into the terminal, got confirmation that it moved the CLI to the correct version, and proceeded. The error persisted. I started a brand new project, initialized from scratch, put CLI to 1.5.5, and ran that project, only to find the same error.
So I looked into my package.json to find that the pcf-scripts and pcf-start modules in my projects were both still on version 1.7.2, and that rolling back the CLI didn't roll the packages back with it. So from there I ran "npm install pcf-start@1.3.1" and "npm install pcf-scripts@1.3.1" in my project and finally the npm start command ran without issue. I'm not sure if I actually had to roll all the way back to 1.3.1, but it seemed a good idea to roll back to a common version between the two packages.
Hope this helps if someone else runs into the same problem.
This should be fixed with the latest update on the pac CLI which has the hotfix for this issue
>> pac install latest
>> pac use latest
1.7.3 (Latest)
revert if you have made change to package.json for pcf-start
>> npm install pcf-start@latest
Let me know if there are any questions.
Thank you, Diana!
Hi @gfpierce ,
Thanks for reporting.
There were a few posts regarding the issue with pac cli 1.7.2. lately (like this one: https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Power-Apps-Pro-Dev-ISV/PCF-NPM-START-WATCH-Erroring-Out-with-8-13-25-pm-start-watch/m-p/959854#M4575)
A downgrade to pcf-start@1.6.5 should be enough.
As posted in the other thread, a fix should be provided soon: https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Power-Apps-Pro-Dev-ISV/PCF-npm-run-build-Error-self-signed-certificate-in-certificate/m-p/957838/thread-id/4554
Kind regards,