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Power Automate - Building Flows
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Match formatting

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Hi everyone,
aim is to create a cloud flow - triggered by a response to a form. First question: Use template A, B or C - supported by three conditions and "Populate by Microsoft Word template" works well. The second question is defining a technical platform. There is a choice of three X, Y or Z. 
The word template has currently a section "Technical details" and a "Plain text content control". Via "get file content using path" the details are loaded from an input document but the format is not matching as the basic template has a specific formatting in bullet points - even if the source document has the same format. 
Has anybody a solution to put in the correct formatting in the flow?
Kind regards,
  • JR-25112115-0 Profile Picture
    JR-25112115-0 2 on at
    Match formatting
    As i rely on the Populate Word Document connector, only plain text seems to be supported to fetch the input. I can't fill the Rich Text Content Control within a "Populate Word Document". Do you have an idea how to insert the fetch from get file content into the Rich Text content control?
    Another question I have: The source document is a .docx with three formatted header sections and beneath each header several lines with bullets point. Can you give me a little bite more content to do string replacement or HTML conversion?
  • Suggested answer
    SudeepGhatakNZ Profile Picture
    SudeepGhatakNZ 14,231 on at
    Match formatting
    The problem you're facing likely arises because the "Plain Text Content Control" in Word templates does not preserve rich formatting such as bullet points.
    Open your Word template and replace the Plain Text Content Control in the "Technical Details" section with a Rich Text Content Control.
    Use "Get file content using path" to retrieve the details from the input document.
    Process the content using String Replace or HTML conversion to adjust formatting.

    For example:

    Replace line breaks in the source document with bullet points:
    • Original: Platform X\nPlatform Y\nPlatform Z
    • Replace: <ul><li>Platform X</li><li>Platform Y</li><li>Platform Z</li></ul>
    You could also try using Encodian's "Populate Word Document" action. Encodian supports inserting rich text, including bullet points and other HTML-formatted content, into placeholders in a Word document.

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