We have a site that is developed in Power Pages. We are in the process of buying licenses and we were sold the Power Portal License (PowerApps - Portal Login Add-in Tier 1) by our reseller. Can this license be used with Power Pages ? If not how could we convert this to a Power Pages License.
Thanks for your help.
@jothivels I think, this link will help you to clarify your doubt---"https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/admin/powerapps-flow-licensing-faq#power-pages"
@jothivels - Here is the link for the Power Pages Support: https://powerpages.microsoft.com/en-us/support/ they should be able to help you with your question.
@OliverRodrigues - thanks for assisting!
you might need to reach out to Microsoft via support ticket or a sales rep if you have one so they can change this to Power Pages licensing