I have created a Left Navigation menu template and added across all screens and it's working as expected.
Here is my navigation component Table
{MenuLabel: "Home",
MenuIcon: Icon.Home,
MenuScreenNavigate: App.ActiveScreen,
MenuID: 1,
{MenuLabel: "Events Screen",
MenuIcon: Icon.CalendarBlank,
MenuScreenNavigate: App.ActiveScreen,
MenuID: 2,
{MenuLabel: "Members",
MenuIcon: Icon.People,
MenuScreenNavigate: App.ActiveScreen,
MenuID: 3,
Added the following code on App Start property.
{MenuLabel: "Home",
MenuIcon: Icon.Home,
MenuScreenNavigate: scrHome,
MenuID: 1
{MenuLabel: "Events",
MenuIcon: Icon.CalendarBlank,
MenuScreenNavigate: scrAllEvents,
MenuID: 2
{MenuLabel: "Members",
MenuIcon: Icon.People,
MenuScreenNavigate: scrManageMembers,
MenuID: 3
Added navigation component to all screens and it's working as expected. Now I would like to new links to the navigation table but I want to use Launch() function instead of App.Activescreen.
First 3 links should use App.Activescreen and the new links should use Launch() to open external links in a new window.
I added one more column with Launch() function couldn't expected results. Can anyone provide me ideas to achieve this functionality.
@FLMike, Thank you Mike for your comments. I was able to resolve this by adding two columns as mentioned in the code which was almost similar to your answer.
I am not sure what you mean by you added a column for Launch
I think, what you have is pretty good.
What you could do, is add an extra column called External and make it a boolean.
Put true or false
Then when they click, Check if its External and if so use Launch and MenuScreenNavigate would actually be the URL
But if its false then its just a Navigate
If this helps please mark as the answer
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