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Can you add Containers to a Sharepoint Connected Form

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My app has a form that is connected to a Sharepoint list. I am trying to add some responsive design to my form, but PowerApps will not let me me put a container inside the form. Is there no way to make a form responsive?

  • AmyF Profile Picture
    AmyF 235 on at
    Re: Can you add Containers to a Sharepoint Connected Form

    I know this is a bit late but you can create multiple forms on the same page.  The first form can be a 2 column, put the first set of 2 column fields in there.  Next form is 3 columns, holds the fields you want displayed in 3 columns, and then another form can follow that which has 2 columns again.   So when you update you'll perform a patch for each form.  Reza Dorrani has a video about breaking up the form into several forms.  It's easy you just delete the fields you don't want in each.  I imagine after all this time you found a work-around but here's the solution I found.

  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,839 on at
    Re: Can you add Containers to a Sharepoint Connected Form

    Highlight the container in the tree the way you have it in your screenshot and then Insert a new form.  You can also Cut and Paste the form into the container  using the '...' menu.

  • MichaelDee Profile Picture
    MichaelDee 46 on at
    Re: Can you add Containers to a Sharepoint Connected Form

    How do you put a form inside a container?




  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,839 on at
    Re: Can you add Containers to a Sharepoint Connected Form

    Forms are designed to flow the datacards based on available space.  In essence they are responsive by default.  So you can't specifically place them in a particular location.  You can change the size of the datacards to make them stack in a particular way.  For example, if you make a particular card cover the width of two columns then next card will wrap down to the start of the next row.

  • Pjames43 Profile Picture
    Pjames43 77 on at
    Re: Can you add Containers to a Sharepoint Connected Form

    So, essentially, inside a form control, I cannot position the DataCards where I want? There are lot of little things inside of Power Apps that I am learning as I go.

  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,839 on at
    Re: Can you add Containers to a Sharepoint Connected Form

    In forms X, Y are calculated at runtime.  Thats why the numbers in the formula and the panel don't match.  You can adjust the height and width of data cards.  But the Data cards will then stack from the upper left across the columns and down the form based on the height and width of the cards.  You can't pin them to a specific X,Y coordinate.  Also, if you calculate the width values make sure you always round down to get them to align as you would expect them to.  Two data cards set for Parent.Width/2 may not end up side by side do to internal rounding unless you tell them to Round Down.  Padding can also be a factor.

  • Pjames43 Profile Picture
    Pjames43 77 on at
    Re: Can you add Containers to a Sharepoint Connected Form

    I tried to do that. Basically set the form to two columns and set the two column items width to (Parent.Width)/2 and the items I want full with to Parent.Width.


    However, when I started messing with that, I noticed this strange behavior I document here:


    The essentially the height value in the formula bar is different from the value I see in the properties tab. The properties tab is correct, but I cannot edit it in either place. If I change it in either place it just goes back to the old numbers.

  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,839 on at
    Re: Can you add Containers to a Sharepoint Connected Form

    I don't know of any way to change the number of columns.  But you can change the width of the data cards inside the form.  If you have two columns and a data card width covers both columns it will push the next data card Down and to the Left.  If the width of the Data Card is less than the column width it will stack them side by side.  So you do have some control of the layout without using containers.

  • Pjames43 Profile Picture
    Pjames43 77 on at
    Re: Can you add Containers to a Sharepoint Connected Form

    What I want is to make certain parts of the form two columns on wider devices and one column on narrower screens.

  • Pstork1 Profile Picture
    Pstork1 64,839 on at
    Re: Can you add Containers to a Sharepoint Connected Form

    Forms are already somewhat responsive.  But no, you can't add a container inside a form.  You can add a container at the screen level and then put the form inside the container.  But I don't think that will really accomplish anything unless you plan to add multiple forms or controls inside the container.

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