Hi all,
Currently working from my developer environment and trying to make a custom connector to fetch all Admin message center messages. I am following the steps in this document.
A Flow Custom Connector to read O365 Communications API - Microsoft Tech Community
I have registered my application and gave the API permission including admin consent. I Unfortunately I receive this error message:
I have followed the tabs
Resource URL: https://manage.office.com
I have tried several combinations for the get but it is not working. when I paste the api in the browser i get the 404 issue. This means something is wrong with the API. but i clearly copied from the blog.
this is wat 1 tried:
none of these combination worked.
does anyone know how to fix this?
please note I work with a developer tenant and am unable to create a publisher domain. does this have to do something with the error?
I got this issue fixed!
In MC257688 Microsoft explained that they moved the API management permission to Graph. This means that you do not connect to manage.office.com anymore. you will need to connect to https://graph.microsoft.com
First in app registration you request API permissions for Graph API. request for the following permission:
Next configuring the custom connector.
1. set for the tab general the host name to graph.microsoft.com and leave the Base URL empty
2. in the Security tab use your Client ID & Client Secret fill, login URL is https://login.windows.net, Tenant ID is common and for resource URL fill in https://graph.microsoft.com
3. For definition you create one action:
In the request section perform a GET with the link: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/admin/serviceAnnouncement/messages
for the Section response use the following JSON sample:
Due to my inexperience with JSON I was unable to load the sample. To get your sample go to https://graph.microsoft.com fill in this link with the query: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/admin/serviceAnnouncement/messages
copy All the code that shows up.
Completed these steps? then you are able to create and use the custom connector to retrieve the messages