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Power Apps Portals - Entity Form subgrid association confirmation doesnt't work

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Hi all, 


I added a Subgrid in one of the Entity Forms and it works perfectly. I want to activate the confirmation (want to show a confirmation dialog with a message: "do you really want to associate that data?", before associating data in the subgrid) there is a configuration exactly for this case in Entity Form Subgrid configurations but it doesnt't work when I activate it. 


Thanks in advance for the help! 




  • Re: Power Apps Portals - Entity Form subgrid association confirmation doesnt't work

    I tried the options to clear the cache.  The only one I could get to work as of today is the Sync configuration button located in Portal Studio at the top right.

  • CU20011233-0 Profile Picture
    CU20011233-0 54 on at
    Re: Power Apps Portals - Entity Form subgrid association confirmation doesnt't work

    Hi @v-xida-msft,

    is there any news regarding to this issue? It's been a while since I reported that.


  • v-xida-msft Profile Picture
    v-xida-msft on at
    Re: Power Apps Portals - Entity Form subgrid association confirmation doesnt't work

    Hi @OOlashyn ,

    Sure. I have also confirmed this issue on my side. I would post this issue to my product team. If the issue is fixed, I would reply here.


    Thanks @OOlashyn  @selimdag for your feedback.


    Best regards,

  • OOlashyn Profile Picture
    OOlashyn 3,496 on at
    Re: Power Apps Portals - Entity Form subgrid association confirmation doesnt't work

    Hi @selimdag ,


    I think you found a bug. I just tried to do it on the newly created starter portal and the result is the same as yours - confirmation dialogue is not showing up for Associate action. I would suggest opening a support ticket with MS as it is clearly something on their end.


    Hi @v-xida-msft ! Can you check this out and maybe help to open a bug report?


  • CU20011233-0 Profile Picture
    CU20011233-0 54 on at
    Re: Power Apps Portals - Entity Form subgrid association confirmation doesnt't work

    Hi @OOlashyn

    Yes, I am regularly clearing the cache after my configurations. Apparently, that is not the problem in this case. 

  • OOlashyn Profile Picture
    OOlashyn 3,496 on at
    Re: Power Apps Portals - Entity Form subgrid association confirmation doesnt't work

    Hi @selimdag ,


    After applying those changes did you clear the cache of the Portal? You can do it by opening Portal Editor and pressing Sync Configuration button or by accessing portal under admin user and navigating to <portal url>/_services/about and pressing clear cache there.

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