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Power Automate - Building Flows

Sending emails for the following month

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Hi everyone, 
I'm a bit stumped. I have an excel spreadsheet with expiring projects. I'd like to send out a list of the expiring projects to the corresponding manager the month before they expire. E.g. On May 15th, I'd like to automate an email listing all the projects that expire in June. 
Any suggestions?
  • Verified answer
    ankit_singhal Profile Picture
    ankit_singhal 379 on at
    Sending emails for the following month
    You can create a schedule flow which can trigger daily or according to your needs (like the 15th date of month). You can read data from excel file and compare the date with today's date. if your condition is met for send the email then compose an email and send. 

    Note: Please Mark verified, if it is useful for you 

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