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Gallery Completion Progress Bar

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I have a gallery of checks in an audit and in that I have a choice column of the check status. In this column there are 4 choices Pass, Fail, N/A and Untested. I seem to be able to find similar answers which apply to a form but I want the whole list counted.


I am wanting to show a progress bar, including a text label, showing the percentage of the checks which have been completed. ie a;; tasks that <>Untested.



  • nshaw75 Profile Picture
    nshaw75 363 on at
    Re: Gallery Completion Progress Bar

    Fantastic @Amik ,

    You are a genius 🙂


    Thanks you very very much

  • Verified answer
    Ami K Profile Picture
    Ami K 15,650 on at
    Re: Gallery Completion Progress Bar

    @nshaw75 - you're going to need to incorporate your solution into his solution using math. If your percentage value is 60% for example, you will need to identify what 60% is of the Button width:


     _passed: Filter(
     'Your Data',
     'Your Choice Column'.Value = "Pass"
     ((CountRows(_passed) / Gallery1.AllItemsCount) / 100 * Button1.Width) * 100
  • nshaw75 Profile Picture
    nshaw75 363 on at
    Re: Gallery Completion Progress Bar

    Thanks @Amik 

    I have watched the YouTube videos and like the look of the "Button" progress bar in DamoBird's video 


    I have managed to successfully copy the example, although this uses a collection of data. In the text property it  uses the code :


    colstages being the collection being referred to. When I want to use this I have tried replacing colstages with gallery1 or mySPlist. I have tried using commas and semi colons. I am obviously getting the syntax wrong.
  • nshaw75 Profile Picture
    nshaw75 363 on at
    Re: Gallery Completion Progress Bar

    Thanks @Amik 

  • Verified answer
    Ami K Profile Picture
    Ami K 15,650 on at
    Re: Gallery Completion Progress Bar

    @nshaw75 - to display the percentage on a Label control, you can use either:


     _passed: Filter(
     'Your Data',
     'Your Choice Column'.Value = "Pass"
     CountRows(_passed) / Gallery1.AllItemsCount * 100,


    Same is above but looking at the data source directly:


     _passed: Filter(
     'Your Data Data',
     'Your Choice Column'.Value = "Pass"
     CountRows(_passed) / CountRows('Your Data') * 100,


    For the progress indicator, there are many creative methods you can find online together with the Progress Bar control (in preview).



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