Hi, I have a gallery with a collection as the datasource. I have 2 dropdowns and a textinput. The ArrngDrop dropdown and DocDrop1 dropdown only filter if both dropdowns have a selection, however only the ArrngDrop filters. I just wanted to be able to have the ability to for the user to filter with either one or both dropdowns, as well as the textinput (ArrngSrch.Text). Any advice would be much appreciated.
(Sort(Filter(ProcedureCollect,Arrangement = Label90.Text && Engine = Label91.Text, Len(ArrngDrop.Selected.Value)= 0 Or Len(DocDrop1.Selected.Value)=0 || ComponentType = ArrngDrop.Selected.Value || DocDrop1.Selected.Value
, Or(StartsWith(ComponentType, ArrngSrch.Text))),Sequence,SortOrder.Ascending))