I will post our use case below and am curious if any of you power automate gurus can suggest what flow to add!
1. We have multiple clients onboarding from different companies that are switching from a software to us. We need to extract their data and bring it over into our system. For that to happen, the files need to be formatted in OUR excel templates.
2. We have folders for the clients/companies and then subfolders for the files needed, where in each of those files there is an excel template to be used.
3. The client then uploads the file into that folder, and if not in the correct format, it is sent back to us to reformat it.
4. What I would like: If the client uploads a file in a format that is not the template, for sharepoint to alerts us/the client and it be flagged as incorrect.
Additionally, I would love if the flow could flow directly to another team IF the template IS correct in said file. Right now we are doing a lot of manual passing back and forth.
I sincerely appreciate any help!!