I am using SQL as my datasource and I need to filter the data by two columns in the table. I am using a date picker and drop-down controls. I was able to retrieve data back from sql from the date picker by adding a calculated int column for the date. And I was able to retrieve results separately from the drop-down. Its when I try to combine them to display results that I am getting either an error or "We didn't find any data to show at this time"
On Select Filter('[dbo].[Daily]',Date=TermDatePicker.SelectedDate)
DropDown On Select Filter('[dbo].[Daily]',Terminal=TermDropdown.Selected.Value)
Items Distinct('[dbo].[Daily]', Terminal)
Table Items Filter('[dbo].[Daily]', Text(TermDatePicker.SelectedDate,"[$-en-US]yyyymmdd") in DetailDateInt ,&&Terminal=TermDropDown.Selected.Value)