I have an Entity Teacher which has many to many relationship with another Entity called Student.
I am embedding the app in the Model Driven of Entity Teacher. In the embedded app, I want to display list of students from the recordid of Teacher.
I created a gallery where list of students are shown and set the Item in gallery as
which I think should have work but is not showing anything.
I tried to LookUp Teacher with the record Id from item and tried this as well
LookUp('Teachers', new_teacherid = ModelDrivenFormIntegration.Item.teacherid).Students
I even tried using guid
LookUp('Teachers', new_teacherid = GUID("ffdea424-e5a2-e911-a96a-000d3a4e75ec")).Students
It gives on loading forever.
FYI: The student entity has around 150 fields.