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Copilot Studio - Publish & Channel Management

Generative features dont work when publishing to Teams Channel

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I am using the CO-pilot studio to build an internal co-pilot,


it is using the generative abilities to scan out document folders and provide answers,


all is working as expected in the test mode,


however once published to teams ( including teams authentication) 


using the explantion here -

the bot does not know any answers beyond the defined topics,


meaning any flow that requires the generative flow doesn't seem to work and results in generic answers










  • adilei Profile Picture
    adilei on at
    Re: Generative features dont work when publishing to Teams Channel

    Can you share: 1. Copilot Teams app settings (under Teams channel -> more) 2. Copilot authentication settings 3. App registration details?


    Blur/mask any sensitive details

  • markyo Profile Picture
    markyo 10 on at
    Re: Generative features dont work when publishing to Teams Channel

    @adilei i repeated all steps again, republished,

    i belive sso is working as i am no longer required to logic,

    however now neither the test nor teams are able to access data from share point only public data,

  • markyo Profile Picture
    markyo 10 on at
    Re: Generative features dont work when publishing to Teams Channel

    i will gladly share - if you tell me what to share.

    i executed all steps again - and now it again works in Test co pilot ( asked to login on first time) - but since then has not asked to login again



    in teams i get this message " Hello! To be able to help you, I'll need you to sign in." but nothing else
    no login button and not success

  • adilei Profile Picture
    adilei on at
    Re: Generative features dont work when publishing to Teams Channel

    if you've followed the steps here then you should not get the login button. If you share your configuration here, then we may be able to help you troubleshoot.

  • markyo Profile Picture
    markyo 10 on at
    Re: Generative features dont work when publishing to Teams Channel

    @adilei to add more info
    when using the authentication option for "only for teams and power Apps",
    the bot can answer regarding info obtained from Public sites connected to generative flow,

    however when info is from Sharepoint it fails to retrieve the knowledge ( in  teams bot, and works in Test Copilot screen"



    when following the manual security flow you outlined, you get the "login" button with the number reply, and then it it still fails to get info.


    i am repeating the flow document in the link ( some of it doesn't match , for example although the documentation says to choose Service provider as Microsoft Entra, co-pilot studio still has [azure Ad, Azure AD v2, generic Auth])


    but it still seems to fail where it comes to sharepoint



  • adilei Profile Picture
    adilei on at
    Re: Generative features dont work when publishing to Teams Channel

    When you start the conversation, do you get a message saying it needs to sign you in, and then the "conversation start" topic?


    Can you share your configuration details here?

  • markyo Profile Picture
    markyo 10 on at
    Re: Generative features dont work when publishing to Teams Channel

    @adilei yes i did,


    i just yesterday tried again ,


    both with integrated security and the manual security flow including azure along with all

    instruction about AD security,


    it is clear that if the flow in teams (new team or old teams) requires a genertive flow,


    it does not work in teams but does work on demo web 


    in this case i was using a data that is loaded from sharepoint

    below is the same question in both





  • adilei Profile Picture
    adilei on at
    Re: Generative features dont work when publishing to Teams Channel

    @markyo , just checking, did you follow the instructions here: Configure single sign-on for the Microsoft Copilot Studio app in Teams - Microsoft Copilot Studio | Microsoft Learn?

  • RichardGE Profile Picture
    RichardGE 6 on at
    Re: Generative features dont work when publishing to Teams Channel

    FYI i have found that i can get mine to work (Teams chatbot) but ONLY in the OLD teams client. if i switch to the "use new Teams" option in the users Teams it doesnt work. 

  • adilei Profile Picture
    adilei on at
    Re: Generative features dont work when publishing to Teams Channel

    I suggest you raise a case with support

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