So I have a table A and a table B. Table A is just basic info to enter about a user and table B his favorite activities. The idea is on a power page page to put a form that the user to be able to fill in his basic info for table A but as well to have a sub grid to put (create/view) his favorite activities for table B. Afterwards to send all the info at once by pressing the submit button. The issue as it stands now is that I can't see the sub-grid at all in the page besides the form designer and page designer.
So far I have managed adding the sub grid and creating the quick form to fill in. I have also left a record in the favorite activities table. On the FORM PERMISSIONS, for testing purposes I have enabled all users (anonymous users) to have all CRUD operations on table A. My hunch is that because I don't have the form permissions for table B as well in the form permissions that's why it won't show up. However in the permissions tab I have given to anonymous users all CRUD operations for table B as well but it seems to the form I can't attach more than one permission for some reason. To be noted that I am new at Power Pages and D365 as a whole and maybe I am missing something. I have followed a tutorial online and the lady from the video just dragged and dropped the sub-grid and it worked out of the box.