I would like to use the Office 365 Outlook connector's "Send an HTTP request" action to make a BATCH request, but I am not sure that is possible. There are MANY resources that detail how to make batch requests to the MS Graph API (e.g., the url is https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$batch and the method is POST). I know how to build the requests JSON object for the body. The problem is that, when I follow instructions for making a batch request to the Graph API, I get an error saying:
"URI path is not a valid Graph endpoint, path is neither absolute nor relative or resource/object is not supported for this connector. Resources: me,users Objects: messages,mailFolders,events,calendar,calendars,outlook,inferenceClassification. Uri: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$batch."
I know how to do a batch request using the Office 365 SharePoint connector's "Send an HTTP request" action. That works fine.
My questions is if anyone knows whether this is a limitation of the connector/action itself or am I just doing something wrong? If it is a limitation, is there another way to do batch Graph requests for outlook objects/resources? I am hoping for an out-of-the-box solution. I believe I could do this with a custom connector, but I am not able to do that at my job with our security policies.