I want a Flow to:
- Lists rows in an Excel Table
- Create Tasks based on data from said rows
- Push Task Ids back to the Excel Table
- Update the Task Ids contained in the Excel Table with Checklist Items (also defined in the same Excel Table)
#s 1-3 are working fine.
#4 is the problem.
The current approach is to
- set variables and 'ListExcelRows' at the root of the flow, then
- in an 'Apply to each' loop ('Create Tasks' > 'Append Array' with Task Ids > 'Update an Excel Table row' with Task Ids), then
- in 'Apply to each 1' loop ('Update task details').
Despite a number of different approaches, parent/child relationships can be a barrier, or multiple tasks get created because of the creating Checklist Items, or Task Ids cannot be accessed from Excel because a [0] based Array is expected and Task Ids are definitely not integers.
If anyone has a reliable and repeatable solution to accomplish the ultimate objective of creating tasks and then updating those tasks, I'd welcome the help.