There are lots of posts on this issue and i have tried the suggestions but still the issue for me is not resolved.
I have a PBI rapport set up in the following way.
The Table is live so that every change is visible as soon as the Save button the PowerApp is hit.
The issue is that when i click on a record/line one of the following happens:
- PowerApps load the data so that i can write stuff in it and save it in DVH
- PowerApps doesnt even try (no spinning wheel at all) and shows: "Getting your data"
- PowerApps try to load the data (i can see the spinning wheel) but it gives up and leaves me with "Getting your data"
There are couple of things i have done to try to solve the issue:
- Use the hambuger menu to reduce the size of data shown
- On OnStart for App i have added:
Refresh('MSSQL Datasource');;
- There are 2 forms and for each of them, the following for OnSelect
ResetForm(Name of form)