Hello. I've encountered an issue in the Power Pages solution that I'm building. One of the fields on the form is a currency field, and it does not show the currency symbol for new entries. Users, by habit, include the dollar symbol when entering in a value. When they try to submit, they will see an validation message saying that the value needs to be between -922,337,203,685,477.00 and 922,337,203,685,477.00. This is not ideal as it is confusing the users since they believe their input is fine. In the short-term, I've added a description to the fields stating not to include symbol (and I did the same for the validation message). This only helps the users understand the issue, but I want to see if there is an out-of-box solution for this as I would prefer that over adding JavaScript.
Again, this is only an issue for new submissions. When it comes to the edit form, the currency symbol is already included as part of the field.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi @KyleSchroeder ,
This is a known issue with Power Pages. I submitted a ticket some time ago, but MS never provided an ETA for the fix. I would recommend you open the ticket - maybe it will help to speed up a fix. But, unfortunately, as of now there is nothing OOB.