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Microsoft Power Automate License - does it prevent us from using the full capability

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We're planning to use Power Automate to streamline our operations and I was informed by my support team that we are currently using E1, E3 and E5 licenses. Would either of the licenses prevent us from using the full capabilities of power automate? And are there any limitations to integrating APIs for external applications?
  • Suggested answer
    takolota1 Profile Picture
    takolota1 4,790 on at
    Microsoft Power Automate License - does it prevent us from using the full capability
    E3/E5 licenses will give access to all standard connectors. So it does limit you & you can’t use connectors like HTTP for your API calls or SQL connectors or Dataverse connectors, etc.
    As long as your API data with the HTTP call doesn’t need to immediately be available to a user that clicks a button in a Power App / For a Selected Item trigger, then you can just buy 1 $15/month premium power automate license & assign it to the account you want to HTTP call the API. From there you can store the data in SharePoint or Excel where all your other users can access it or use standard connectors to make automations with it.

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