I need to make a call to the Graph API to get the members of a group with an active account and also return other groups within the group. I am using the following filter:
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/@{variables('Group ID')}/members?$count=true&$select=mail&$filter=endsWith(mail,'@mycompany.com') and accountEnabled eq true&$top=999
- Note, the above query has ConsistencyLevel: eventual in the headers.
- This works, but does not return any of the groups as it appears groups do not use the accountEnabled flag.
- I searched the web and asked Copilot how to modify the query to include groups.
- Copilot said to add or isOf('microsoft.graph.group') to the filter, but when I do it returns the error: "message": "Operator: 'IsOf' is not supported."
- In this reference I cannot find anything related to filtering for groups: Advanced query capabilities on Microsoft Entra ID objects - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn
Does anyone know how I can modify the query to include groups?
Thank you,