Having yet to find a remedy to whey the SP List Attachment / Images will not display in Gallery2 based on the content of a field in Gallery1 (I've tried 'ID' = ID, and 'TruckVINNumber' = TruckVINNumber [Body1_40.Text]) - No Images.
What I know is if I do the same using a 'Form' and a Gallery on another screen it all works fine.
My question now; I need the 'Filter By' functionality shown below, which is why I chose a Gallery.
Can the 'Filter By' work with a Form? There may be multiple items returned; If the Filter By will work, will a Form allow for the navigation shown in the Gallery where there are more than one item/record returned?
What code have you tried for Gallery 2?
Is Gallery 1 an item in a SharePoint List and you want that Item's attachment to show in Gallery 2?
If so, set a variable: Set(SelectedRecord, Gallery1.Selected);
Then change the property of the Gallery to to the variable .attachment. If that doesn't work, attempt a lookup and let me know how you get on. I have achieved this successfully in my case.
Please Accept as Solution if it solves your question. Or just give it a Thumbs Up if it is helpful as can help others.
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