I'm having some trouble with multistep forms. Whenever I try to use the metadata type tab to change the label text of the multistep forms tab, it doesn't seem to work properly.
I wanted to rename the tab using Power Apps Designer or Portal Management, but every time I do, it messes things up. For example, it removes associated JavaScript for the entire step, which is a major bummer. Has anyone else run into this issue? If so, do you know of any out of the box workarounds?
Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers!
Hi @OliverRodrigues ,
Thanks for looking into it.
There are a few ways to rename a step (tab) name in a multistep form:
I found method 2 working after all the mess, but I'd still like to get the metadata working so I can keep separate display names from the actual names, if you know what I mean.
Also, this has caused me more issues now. I used to download the site using PAC download using VScode, but after this error (method one renaming the step using the designer), it has stopped working and gives me errors. Pretty disappointing.
Hi, I just tested the functionality and didn't have any issues. Can you tell me the step by step that you are doing so I can reproduce?