I am new to Power Pages and Portals, so any help is appreciated!!
I am trying to edit the navigation bar in Portal Management. Some links will be Pages I design while others will be links to external URLs.
I found out that editing Web Link in Portal Management does reflect the changes in Design Studio but something is breaking when I preview the site. I am getting the following error:
I have also tried creating completely new web link set and adding that web link set to the "Header" code as well. But no luck!
Does anyone else is facing the same error? Is there any solution available?
Hi @K_B ,
We are a bit unclear about your requirement,
However as per our understanding, you are looking for weblinks with external Web Pages,
You can configure the external web pages using below steps,
Create a web page in the main navigation,
Navigate to the Power Pages Management, and look for the default “web link sets” within respective Website,
Open the Default “Web Link Set” and look for your created custom page/External page,
Add the External Link,
Save and Sync the Website,
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Thanks for your reply
Turns out I did not put in any value for "Pages" - which is an optional field though!