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Sign in page as the landing page

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All the pages on my power pages are restricted to a specific user, including the home page. I want to direct the user to the sign-in page when they enter the URL or I have added this code to the header to redirect them:


{% if user %}
Hello, {{ user.fullname }}!
{% else %}
<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.location.pathname != "/SignIn") {
{% endif %}
however, it always shows the access denied page and then the sign-in page, which looks very unprofessional. I want it to just land on the sign-in page first. Can anyone explain why?
Thank you in advance!
  • ragavanrajan Profile Picture
    ragavanrajan 7,023 on at
    Re: Sign in page as the landing page

    Hi @setzav 


    The answer is already provided by @Fubar. If you are confident with your implementation. All you need is to clear the cache and try again.  Link here 


    Hope it helps.

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  • setzav Profile Picture
    setzav on at
    Re: Sign in page as the landing page

    I did that but the issue is, that it shows access denied very briefly before showing the login page. 

  • setzav Profile Picture
    setzav on at
    Re: Sign in page as the landing page

    I did that but the issue is, that it shows access denied very briefly before showing the login page. I changed it to make my home available to all users and hide elements based on the user that logs in.


    Thanks for the reply!

  • poweruser38 Profile Picture
    poweruser38 4 on at
    Re: Sign in page as the landing page

    Have you tried applying permissions to the Home page?

  • Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar 7,688 on at
    Re: Sign in page as the landing page

    You can do this be creating Web Page Access Control Rule(s)  set to "Restrict Read" for the pages that are not anonymous.

    In addition, if not using local login and you are using only 1 identity provider (e.g. Azure AD, Azure B2C etc ) you can also set it to the default, and it will push the user straight to the identity provider sign-in (avoids the user having to press the button on the portal sign-in page)

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