Hi Everyone,
I know how to collect the data used "apply to each" and transfer String to the Array, like this:
This time, I need to re-location the data in the string, and use apply to each to the further application:
The original data:
Transfer to the result:
"4KP ",
I already use apply to each and set variable:
[item()[3], item()[2], item()[4], item()[8], item()[7]]
But the data collection used Append to string will become :
[["40","","U18","4KP","522"]["43","","U28","4KP ","533"]
And can't used in Apply to each for further application, even use @{replace(variables('Re_arrange header_2'), '][', '],[')}
While used Append to Array, it has to be {"AB": item()[3], "BC": item()[2].............}
I stunk in here a few days, can somebody help me or give me the tips? Thanks