Hi Everyone,
I know how to collect the data used "apply to each" and transfer String to the Array, like this:
This time, I need to re-location the data in the string, and use apply to each to the further application:
The original data:
Transfer to the result:
"4KP ",
I already use apply to each and set variable:
[item()[3], item()[2], item()[4], item()[8], item()[7]]
But the data collection used Append to string will become :
[["40","","U18","4KP","522"]["43","","U28","4KP ","533"]
And can't used in Apply to each for further application, even use @{replace(variables('Re_arrange header_2'), '][', '],[')}
While used Append to Array, it has to be {"AB": item()[3], "BC": item()[2].............}
I stunk in here a few days, can somebody help me or give me the tips? Thanks
Hi @v-bacao-msft ,
Thanks for the support! It let me eye-opener and learns the new method to use Apply to each and output expression, thanks again!
Hi @ilu989 ,
I'm trying, but if the array elements are also arrays, it seems like a difficult situation to deal with.🤔
Best Regards,
Hi @v-bacao-msft ,
Thanks for your reply!
I need the Array to be used in the Apply to each!
The String can not be applied to the further Apply to each:
Do you have any other way to overcome this situation? Thanks
Hi @ilu989 ,
I want to confirm your needs first. Is every element in the array also an array? It seems more reasonable here if it is Object.
I tried on my side according to the data you provided, but the results did not seem to be very good. The final result cannot be used by Apply to each. Because it is a string, it cannot be converted to an array.
Please import the flow in the attachment, and then see the specific steps.
Best Regards,