I am trying to create a flow that takes emails in our Office 365 account from a particular address to a page in OneNote. Getting the text there is no problem, but I cannot get the attachment.
I tried the "Content - Attachment content" from the dynamic content selector and added that to the OneNote component for Page Content, along with the email subject and attachment name.
The email subject and attachment name get there fine, but in stead of a usable attachment, I just get a ton of jibberish, like I've opened a PDF file in Notepad or something.
Is there any way to do this?
The destination notebook is configured on the Email to OneNote site.
@Anonymous Thank you so much for figuring this out.
This works only if I wanted the attachment email to save to "My Notebook"
Any way to have it saved to a group notebook that I created?
Right now, even if I had set the flow to save to the group notebook, it still defaults to "My Notebook". I'm assuming because of the me@onenote address.
Any advise is much appreciate it!
Thank you.
Thanks - that totally worked. You Rock! @Anonymous
I figured it out.
Set up an email account with the email to onenote account and use a outlook email flow sent to me@onenote.com.
This will create a new page in a section with the attachment added to the page. Check out the '@section' in the subject to route into specific sections.
Love OneNote - Come on MS, help us by developing the best product offering you have. Dont make us figure these things out for you.
No, and the funny thing is I was thinking about it this morning wondering if Flow integration with OneNote and attachments had been improved, so it was on my list of stuff to look at this week. Great timing!
Hi. I'm curious if you ever figured out a way to get your attachment to render in OneNote? I'm working on this now. Thank you.
Thanks @tpalmer. At least I can give up trying for now. I am a bit surprised given I can use attachments for other connectors - like Outlook 365 to OneDrive for Business.
Hi @EdHans - currently the "create a page" action expects text or HTML to be provided and does not handle converting more complex file types. The OneNote API does allow a file attachments or printouts to be added (similar to when you add a PDF to a page in the OneNote client), unfortunately we don't support this in the OneNote connector today. Please add this to our ideas forum to help us prioritize the improvement!
I'm not getting an error message. It runs. I just get garbage in the OneNote file rather than the binary attachment.
Hi EdHans,
Thanks for your reply. Could you provide the screenshot of the error message for a further investigation?
I run the flow again, but I am still getting the error message I got before.
Best regards,
Mabel Mao