My Edit form resets (clears) the items that were previously selected in the Devices field. I need these items to remain when the form is placed in edit mode.
In SharePoint, the Devices column is a text field and I defined the values as a ComboBox in PowerApps.
In my Devices_DataCard1, I have a ComboBox (DevicesComboBox5) with a Data source from another list (Devices) filtering one of the columns of that list using a Dropdown selection (DropdownDevicesActiveChoice1).
This is the formula for the ComboBox selections:
Filter(Devices, HideDevice = DropdownDevicesActiveChoice1.Selected.Result)
The choices are selected from the ComboBox and are displayed in a Lable (LblDevices5) that displays on my primary SharePoint list.
Lable formula:
Concat(DevicesComboBox5.SelectedItems,Devices,"; ")
When I edit this primary SharePoint list via the PowerApps form, the Device field resets. The other fields do not reset.
I'm not sure what I need to do. Would I need to set the Default and DefaultSelectedItems of the ComboBox? What would that formula look like?