For the most part, everything is working.
Two issues -
1. How do I append the 'Approvers' comments to the 'Request Summary' column of the SharePoint List?
I want to be able to keep both the creator's initial Request Summary comments as well as any comments
the Approving official had at the time they approved the request. In the case below the Approving official
provide the comment "The request is approved. The flight MUST depart station by 11:30pm (PST)."
The 'Request Status' changed from 'Pending' to 'Approved', as a result of the 'Update Item' action, however
the Approving official's comments were not added/appended to the existing summary language.
2. How do I prevent the flow from triggering again once the update it applied to the list, as this is a
'Whenever an Item is Created or Modified'?