Hi All,
I'm new to the forum and Power Automate (so please be kind), I'm trying to create a flow which performs a daily check on SharePoint list and finds Jira ticket field (in the SharePoint list) and then uses the Jira ticket text to query Jira via the connector and finds update in Jira and then updates the SharePoint List item with the latest Jira information.
I'm really hoping this is possible but havent had much luck googling the answer and really not to sure where to start with building the flow so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Apologises for not being clearer with my original message, let me have another go at explaining what I'm trying to achieve with power automate.
I have a Sharepoint List that has a number of items that contain a reference number which corresponds to our Jira instance. I would like to create a Power automate that will trigger on a daily basis to go and find all the SharePoint list items with a Jira reference number (plain text field), and for each item with a Jira reference number the Power Automate flow will connect to Jira and then look up the Jira reference number and update the Sharepoint list item with specific fields from Jira in the SharePoint List i.e. Jira Status would map a field in the Sharepoint list item called Jira status.
I hope thats a bit clearer if you can offer any advise on if this is possible and where I should start then I would greatly appreciate the support.
@FLMike I'm not really interested if the jira field has changed, I'm just looking for power Automate to find the jira ticket number from a Sharepoint list item (plain text field) and then connect to Jira, find the jira number in Jira and then update the SharePoint list item with specific fields from Jira. Ideally the flow will just overwrite whatever's in the current Sharepoint list item.
Hope that makes sense.
Hi @lvi23
Unfortunately I am unaware of how to validate that Jira has changed. You can create triggers for new and closed items but I don't see an easy way, unless you know how to compare and validate that its changed.
I had typed out a long answer but until I know how you plan to validate its changed it wouldn't help you much.
If I have helped you, I would really appreciate if you please Mark my answer as Resolved/Answered, and give it a thumbs up, so it can help others
Thank You
Michael Gernaey MCT | MCSE | MCP | Self-Contractor| Ex-Microsoft
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelgernaey