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PowerApps Portal Cert Expiring in 3 days

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When trying to edit the visual design of a new Power Apps portal I just provisioned I fail and see the following errors in Chrome's console.

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID | https://<myname>

Visiting that URL and viewing the cert shows two issues. Hopefully someone gets to this before Christmas in 3 days!






  • ragavanrajan Profile Picture
    ragavanrajan 7,023 on at
    Re: PowerApps Portal Cert Expiring in 3 days

    Indeed I completely agree. This is due to the portal hosting location and rendering engine. Failed to run the series of steps. 


    Hope it helps.


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  • CU29100325-0 Profile Picture
    CU29100325-0 92 on at
    Re: PowerApps Portal Cert Expiring in 3 days

    @ragavanrajan the issue solved itself (in other words I assume something was done at Microsoft end). If it happens again in future I'll try your solution of changing the URL. Deleting and recreating the portal is a bit extreme, though ;).

  • ragavanrajan Profile Picture
    ragavanrajan 7,023 on at
    Re: PowerApps Portal Cert Expiring in 3 days

    Hi @martindr 


    Could you please follow my first instructions. It will fix your issue. 


    Hope it helps.


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  • CU29100325-0 Profile Picture
    CU29100325-0 92 on at
    Re: PowerApps Portal Cert Expiring in 3 days

    Thanks for the reply. We never added any certificates (or custom domains) there in the first place, so there was nothing to check. It was a brand new, stock portal without any custom config. Things came right magically after a few days, and I assume the issue was Microsoft-side.

  • CU29100325-0 Profile Picture
    CU29100325-0 92 on at
    Re: PowerApps Portal Cert Expiring in 3 days

    Thanks but this came right without our organization doing anything (BTW we were not using custom domains and I assume the issue was Microsoft-side)

  • ragavanrajan Profile Picture
    ragavanrajan 7,023 on at
    Re: PowerApps Portal Cert Expiring in 3 days

    Hi @martindr 


     Please follow the instructions from @manojmane  if you have enabled the custom domain. If it is the newly provisioned portal then my first reply will help. 




    In case if you have any difficulties in converting your certificate to .pfx format, then please find my article below 



    Hope it helps. 

    If you like this post, give it a Thumbs up. Where it solved your request, Mark it as a Solution to enable other users to find it.

  • Manoj Mane Profile Picture
    Manoj Mane 35 on at
    Re: PowerApps Portal Cert Expiring in 3 days

    Hi @martindr ,

    Navigate to --> Portal Admin center --> Check SSL certificate under the tab as shown in below image. 

    Verify the SSL certificate expiration date. If it is expiring soon , you have to regenerate the certificate and re-upload it in the Portal admin center.


    If you like this post, give a Thumbs up. Where it solved your request, Mark it as a Solution to help others find it.

  • ragavanrajan Profile Picture
    ragavanrajan 7,023 on at
    Re: PowerApps Portal Cert Expiring in 3 days

    Hi @martindr 


    If it is a newly provisioned portal, then I suggest you try the following steps 

    1. Change the base site URL and test again 

    2.  Delete the portal and recreate it again. Trust me your data can be picked up from website binding records


    Hope it helps.


    If you like this post, give it a Thumbs up. Where it solved your request, Mark it as a Solution to enable other users to find it.

  • Re: PowerApps Portal Cert Expiring in 3 days

    Hi @martindr,

    It seems to be a trusted certificate authority issue.

    Could you please check the official doc for reference:

    Add a custom domain name - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs


    In addition, please try to manage custom certificates by adding a new one:

    Add custom certificates - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs

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