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Power Apps - Power Query

Not able to compare logged in user with Microsoft entra id column in canvas app

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Hi All
I have Dataverse table with people picker column with lookup of Microsoft Entra iD.
In canvas app i need to filter that table with logged in user and with the data of the Microsft entra ID lookup field.
I am trying with the filter query which is throwing an error if SQL generic error
Filter("MyTable", which throws an sql generic error
Could you please guide us is there any syntax error or any other query to solve the above issue?
Appreciate your help in Advance
Many Thanks
  • Suggested answer
    Michael E. Gernaey Profile Picture
    Michael E. Gernaey 33,251 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Not able to compare logged in user with Microsoft entra id column in canvas app
    Can you please share the error and also your code
    Also please do this
    1. Publish your app (for sure)
    2. If this happens in the Dev environment do the following if not do 2 instead
    Option 1
    -Stop playing the app (in dev)
    -Click on the Stethescope (top right)
    -Click Monitor
    -When the Tab opens let it connect
    -Go back to your Dev Studio Tab
    -Run it and cause the error to happen
    -Immediately go to back to Monitor
    -Type Error in the top right (filter for monitor)
    -Look for the group of errors that are about your issue (it will be 2-4)
    -Find the one that provides you with a Flyout (from the right) with 4 Tabs
    You want the Response Tab
    Expand Header and Body
    It will tell you whats wrong in much more detail
    Option 2 (if you cannot do it in Dev)
    -Go the Apps Page from the home page
    -Click the ... on the line of the app
    -Click Details => Monitor
    -When Monitor Launches click on Play Published Version
    -Go to your app tab you opened and cause the error
    -Immediately go to back to Monitor
    -Type Error in the top right (filter for monitor)
    -Look for the group of errors that are about your issue (it will be 2-4)
    -Find the one that provides you with a Flyout (from the right) with 4 Tabs
    You want the Response Tab
    Expand Header and Body
    Please Mark as the Answer and a Like if this helped you.

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