Hi All,
Novice question as new to powerapps and flows.
I have created an app with a form and all works fine, added an email approval flow which also works fine but does not send the content of the form.
Can anyone tell me how to include the form data in the approval email (I assume I need to add something in the body field)
Many thanks
Thanks for the replies, found the problem in the end.....
I had already created the flow linked through to the powerapp and saved it. When re-editing the flow and adding in the body field (using "askpowerapps") it does not create the parameter in the powerapp.
I re-created the flow with the body included from scratch and hey presto, it worked OK. I was able to reference fields in the form for display in the email.
As a note - being able to include a whole record from "last.submit" for a form would be ace (properly formatted even better).
At the moment have to include fields separately in the formula and it all comes out on one line in the email, tried Char(13) / (10) and using </br> etc but no matter what comes out on one line.
Could probably concatonate into a HTML table but a lot of messing around.
Thanks for the response, appreciated.
Hi @KevinReeves,
Have you checked the article below?
For the form content, if you mean the data specified in the form, we could add the paremeter when building the Microsoft Flow, choose the Ask in PowerApps to specify the dat which needed to use in Microsoft Flow,
After that, when writing the Flow running formula, it would remind to input the corresponding data.
By the way, which kind of form that you used here, and how you configured the data source?
Edit form and Display form controls in PowerApps
Unclear what you are trying to do, but the body of the mail is what you specify in the approval action. There's no way to embedded a form (or content from powerapps) into that form.