In my powerapp just today started to get errors of multiple levels relationships where before I didn't get the errors. It's really strange... It's only one level relationship but I get the error. It is happening in some fields that I didn't get any error...
I was testing using a lookup instead but I get the error anyway!!.
This was working until today....
I have a copy of the app for testing and I don't get the error there.... 😞
Please, some help!!
Thank you.
I found a solution. I'm not sure what levels your trying to go through but here was my problem - I needed to locate the logo of a company for each material being listed in a certain 'bill of materials'. This required me to go down three entities.
Original formula that resulted in error:
ThisItem.'Required Material 1'.Vendor.'Vendor Logo'
Solution that worked:
LookUp('Raw Materials', Name = ThisItem.'Required Material 1'.Name).Vendor.'Vendor Logo'
'Raw Materials' is the source of the search,
'Name' is the column to match with the 'Required Material' column as a condition to evaluate rows,
'Vendor' searches the related table,
'Vendor Logo' gets me the final record I need. Hope this helps!
Did you ever get a solution to this ? My application which has been working fine for weeks is suddenly throwing this error on places where it is clearly not a multi level lookup. I can't even use the LookUp function because it won't retreive the value I need from the LookUp coumn to be able to use it in the function.
Help !
I thought it was me, have the same issue. Yesterday I had no problems with the same formula.