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Attribute cannot be NULL error on mutistep form

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I get this error when I try to select next on a a multistep forms. The red box is covering a field name.
At one point I tried to set the field to business recommended and use the option in power pages to set recommended fields to required. Which is when this started happening. I have since scrapped the idea, unchecked the box, and made the field optional. However, I'm still getting this error.
Any ideas?
  • Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar 7,677 on at
    Attribute cannot be NULL error on mutistep form
    A form level Business Rule at the moment shouldn't affect the portal, but a server-side one will.
  • Verified answer
    GhostPickle Profile Picture
    GhostPickle 17 on at
    Attribute cannot be NULL error on mutistep form
    I found the cause of my issue. I have business rules that set the that field to required on the dynamics side. I wasn't aware that business rules impacted Power Pages at all, but apparently using them to make fields required does and displays the message in my post. Making the rules form specific caused the issue to go away.
    Hopefully this saves someone from a headache down the road.  
  • Suggested answer
    Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar 7,677 on at
    Attribute cannot be NULL error on mutistep form
    Its most likely the portal cache, but as there can be other caching involved and sessions with a multistep form......
    Make sure the Browser Cache has been cleared, open your browsers console <F12>, and then in your Browser right click the Reload button this should give you 3 options choose the 3rd option (something like empty cache and hard reload) - the 3rd option is only available when the Browser debug/console has been opened.
    Make sure the Portals Cache has been cleared, try one or all of the following:
    • re-Preview the Site from the Designer
    • login to the Portal as User with the Administrators Web Role assigned to them, and then click the clear cache button  at <your site url>/_services/about   (and if that doesn't work do the same but click the Clear Config button)
    • Go to the Portals Admin ( and Purge the Cache on the your portal (under the 3 dots in the row)
    • Go to the Portals Admin ( and Manage on the your portal (under the 3 dots in the row) and then off the Site Actions choose Restart Site
    If still an issue, go to the Multi Step Form in the Portal/Power Pages Management app and delete the Session records that are stored against it. (and then re-clear the Portals Cache)

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