I have some Excel with VBA that is used to generate data report.
Source data (csv files) will be pasted in specific path in my laptop daily like C:\Users\Desktop\Document.
I will edit VBA when report logic needs to update.
I hope I can use PowerApps to generate data report without editing any VBA.
Is it possible to do so?
Hi G,
Your understanding is correct.
The second idea you mention: you can use PowerAutomate to read the data and store in a SP list and use PowerApps to create your gallery or logical grouping of data
If I need to add a new calculation or change data source from a file to b file, is it possible to do like you mention?
I wish I can build an app, then I can change the data source or logic by click some checkbox.
Many thanks,
Based on my understanding of your query , I assume you want to execute some scripts to read a set of files stored in your drive and do some logics to derive a report from the data read . You can either use PowerBI with excel as data source to generate the report . Or if its basic reporting and you want to create a dashboard of the data read , you can use PowerAutomate to read the data and store in a SP list and use PowerApps to create your gallery or logical grouping of data .