I'm very pleased with myself that I managed to display the name of the Screen (cutting off "Screen_" from the beginning of the name) with this formula: Last(Split(App.ActiveScreen.Name;"_")).Result
However, as we use multiple tenants in my organisation, I would like to have the e-mail address, the user is logged in with, in the header. I created components for the header and the footer. But I don't yet manage to set a variable or reference a variable that's created on start in the component. I tried creating an output property (named varMail) and even managed to set it as the user's email address. But I don't manage to reference it
This is what the header and footer looks like, in case you're curious.
Oh, and my Button with "Navigate(Screen_Einstellungen)" doesn't work anymore, now that it is part of the header.
It worked fine when it was just on the canvas in the app.