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Multiple Rows - Dataverse

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I am new in Power Platform / Copilot Studio and need your help regarding this.

I have connected PowerApps - Tables with my Internal Oracle Server Database and Select one demo table "Sales" which has 6 columns and 12 rows. (All Screenshots attached)

The Dataverse is successfully import from Oracle Database but when i click on SALES columns and data i can see duplicate entries added like i have two entiry for every month (duplicate rows).


Observation: i tried to delete the duplicated row from PowerApps but i can see after some times the duplicate rows occurred again.

  • ronaldwalcott Profile Picture
    ronaldwalcott 1,501 on at
    Multiple Rows - Dataverse
    What is your process for importing data?
    How do you plan to ensure that same records cannot be imported more than once?
    You should identify primary keys on your Oracle database and duplicate in Dataverse if you are importing data. This would prevent the process from importing the same data.  
  • Suggested answer
    SaiRT14 Profile Picture
    SaiRT14 1,931 on at
    Multiple Rows - Dataverse
    pls try the following:
    Check for Duplicate Data in Oracle 
    SELECT column1, column2, COUNT(*)
    FROM Sales
    GROUP BY column1, column2
    HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;
    Ensure your table in Oracle has a unique identifier column (e.g., ID) - In PowerApps, map this unique column as the Primary Key when connecting to the Oracle database. Go to the table settings in PowerApps. Identify the key field for the table (ID, SalesID, etc.).
    Use the Distinct function to ensure unique row - Distinct(Sales, ColumnName)
    try the above and let me know.

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