Hi All,
I have a gallery, which I would like to update a record on Sharepoint. to select the record to update, I am using a variable, which is set by selecting the item in the gallery.
After patching the updated information, a label does not update, which is on the same screen, is not showing the updated information until I click on the record in gallery.
Is there a way show the information when the record has been patched.
the gallery does refresh its cache automatically
whats the text property of the label ?
what you can do is to use a variable as the property and after the patch update the variables value getting it from the source directly
e.g. Patch()...... ;
Set(varTextPropert, LookUp(yourList, Id = PatchedItemId).YourLableText)
hi @Skybluekid ,
after updating the record have you updated the items property of the gallery?