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Using Same Power App in Different Dashboards

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Hey everyone!

I’m working on creating powerbi dashboards and I am trying to create a power app for some write back logic to use it to add comments back into the table.




I’ve created a power app for one dashboard and I would ideally like to re-use this app for a different dashboard.




Say I have “dashboard A” and it has a  table that contains data named “table A”. I created a new screen in the power app and added a form there that I linked to “table A” and added the app to “dashboard A”.  The data is passed to the form using PowerbBIIntegration.Data, and I’m using the following formula to match the data from the dashboard to the table: LookUp(table, “column” = firstPowerBIIntegration.Data).”column”).




Now, I have “Dashboard B” and “table B”. I created a new screen and a new form in the same app, linked the new form to “Table B”, added a power app tile into “dashboard B”, and navigated there to the newly created form for “dashboard B”. But when I try to use the same logic as I did for “dashboard A”, it doesn’t work because PowerBIIntegration is still taking data from “Dashboard A” instead of “Dashboard B”.




Is there a way to solve this issue so that PowerBIIntegration can adjust to the dashboard I’m working in?




Thanks in advance!

  • Suggested answer
    mmbr1606 Profile Picture
    mmbr1606 10,487 on at
    Using Same Power App in Different Dashboards
    i guess your topic would be a better fit in the powerbi forum to be found here:
    if my answer helüed please mark as verified answer,

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