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Transform a sharepoint folder in a channel in teams

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Hello everyone!


I have a problem between sharepoint and teams:


I create a folder in sharepoint but I can not see this folder in teams because it is not a channel.

How can I transform a folder in sharepoint in a channel in teams?


Thankss !!

  • MC20 Profile Picture
    MC20 2 on at
    Re: Transform a sharepoint folder in a channel in teams
    Nope, that didn't work here. I used the exact same name, but Teams created a new folder with the same name. One is listed under "In site library" the other under "In channels"
  • AlanMichael Profile Picture
    AlanMichael 4 on at
    Re: Transform a sharepoint folder in a channel in teams

    This method worked for me. Thanks Jeremy.


  • Proostdaan Profile Picture
    Proostdaan 6 on at
    Re: Transform a sharepoint folder in a channel in teams

    I'll do you one better: if you create a channel under a team and make sure the channel has the exact name as the folder that already exists, it will automatically use the existing folder and its contents under the "files"-tab of the channel. 


    Of course, this will only work if the existing folder is located under Shared Documents of the Site Collection of the desired Team. 

  • shanehutchison Profile Picture
    shanehutchison 6 on at
    le wRe: Transform a sharepoint folder in a channel in teams

    The best way to create a channel from a SharePoint folder is:

    • copy the folder name exactly as it is in SharePoint
    • In Teams, Create Channel, then past the folder name exactly as it is in SharePoint.
    • The files and subfolders of the SharePoint folder name you pasted as the Channel name will all show up in the "Files" tab.
    • Depending on the size of the files and subfolder, this may take a little bit to update.

    Now if you do not want the channel name to be the SharePoint folder name, you will need to edit the Channel and change the Channel name.  If you do this after you have verified the files and subfolders desired are all listed in "Files" tab of the channel, they will still exist after a channel name edit.  The channel name edit does not change the SharePoint folder name after creation.


    Alternatively, you can create the Channel, refresh the Team SharePoint site to find a new folder with the name of the Channel you just created, then move/copy all the files and subfolders from the desired folder into new Channel folder.


  • mr_mfisher Profile Picture
    mr_mfisher 2 on at
    Re: Transform a sharepoint folder in a channel in teams

    This works, I just confirmed it. A folder was already created in SharePoint within a Site that was already set up as a Team. 

    I simply created the channel in Teams with the same name as the folder in SharePoint (within the same Site as the Team) and all the files appeared in Teams. Nice! 

  • xtoife Profile Picture
    xtoife 4 on at
    Re: Transform a sharepoint folder in a channel in teams

    @agne_bane I have succesfully copied my folders from sharepoint to my team with same name. Can I delete the source sharepoint folder to avoid having two same folders?

  • xtoife Profile Picture
    xtoife 4 on at
    Re: Transform a sharepoint folder in a channel in teams

    I have the same problem and have just done this successfully too but do I need to still the original Sharepoint folder I copied from? Thanks.

  • SunRae14er Profile Picture
    SunRae14er 5 on at
    Re: Transform a sharepoint folder in a channel in teams

    This is accurate, i just tried and it worked. 

  • agne_bane Profile Picture
    agne_bane 2 on at
    Re: Transform a sharepoint folder in a channel in teams



    You could simply first create a channel on a selected team on Teams, this will appear on your Sharepoint under that team documents section and you can upload files or folder under that "channel/folder" name and it will be accessible on that newly created channel on your teams (under files). 


    Hope this helps.

  • jeremy_hagan Profile Picture
    jeremy_hagan 12 on at
    Re: Transform a sharepoint folder in a channel in teams

    If the folder is a root folder in the SharePoint document library in an Office 365 Group that also has a Team on it, you can just create a Channel in Teams with the same name and the folder will just be used for that Channel.

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