The function ' Append to array variable' within Power Automate is not allowing me to enter a mandatory field ' Name'.
Earlier I could enter a name of my choosing, but now there is a drop down menu with no options appearing to choose from.
Please find a screenshot attached of the same.
For example, if the respondent selects 'Several days' for 3 of the 4 options, the score should add up to 3. This calculation with the help of a flow.
Was I able to explain it well?
Additionally, if respondent chooses 'More than half the days' for 2 options and 'Several days' for 1, the score would be 2+2+1 = 5.
Can you give me an example of a sample input and what you want the result to be? When you say "calculate it". what do you want calculated?
Not at all - 0, Several days - 1, More than half the days - 2 and Nearly every day - 3 . Initialize a variable to convert the responses to array and calculate it
Suppose I want to create a variable that scores based on a likert scale question response, any idea how would I do that using POwer Automate?
The variable shown is initialized as an integer and not an array. You need to have an array to use the append to array action.
Can you post a screen shot showing where you initialize your variable as well as the Append to array action?