Hi, since I couldnt find much about this online, and wanted to make a post so people in future with the same issue can find this when searching. Basically, when Im using the newline command on "Post message in a chat or channel", here is my command:
replace(string(outputs(‘Get_file_content’)?[‘body’]), ‘Member’, ‘Member \n’)
Basically, I want to have a new line after every occurence of the word "Member", but when I do this, it simply prints "\n" in plain text instead of a new line
Well, my actual goal is to have a new line after each row of the excel file, but since every one of them ends with "Member" I figured I could do it this way, but if there is an easier way to just do this instead that would be a bonus but I would really like to know what the proper format for using new line is. Thank you!!