Greetings all,
I am taking over our Power Apps environment which was sitting in an ungoverned state. IE default settings, everyone go for broke in the default environment.
I want to clean things up and ensure roles are generally assigned by Entra groups, however I do see a lot of 'Microsoft Entra ID Office Group' Type permissions or 'Project User / Project Common with the Administrator as 'Microsoft Project'.
I couldn't find much information about the Role specifics, but will take a wild guess that these would be from a Microsoft Project connector / Interaction? When I click on Edit team, I can see the administrator is listed as Microsoft Project, but I don't see any GUID / accounts or groups on our end that match.
So the questions really are..
1 - What is the trigger that creates those groups?
2 - What do the Project User and Project Common Roles actually provide.
3 - How do I check if it is even in use anymore?
Thank you