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Power Automate - Using Flows
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Manage 28 days flow for approval file uploaded

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Hello everybody
I've a flow, used to approval file and after 28 days if the file was not approved, it returns to its original status. Is there any option to change or disable these 28 days?
My platform is PowerAutomate on Microsoft 365
  • Suggested answer
    David_MA Profile Picture
    David_MA 8,929 on at
    Manage 28 days flow for approval file uploaded
    As noted here, Known issues and limitations - Power Automate | Microsoft Learn, 28 days is the maximum amount of time before an approval action times out. It cannot be changed. Since you don't show your flow, I don't know what you mean by your first sentence. It sounds like you have error-handling built into your flow if the approval times out, which is good. There are many ways to handle this if you search the web for options. This is one method:, which covers timeouts and delegations.

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