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Upload multiple Web files in power pages using power automate

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Hello Everyone,

I am trying to create power automate flow to create web files on create of file in SharePoint folder, but I am facing one blocker like how to upload file as I am not getting relationship between web files table and file content field.

In previous version of power pages we can achieve this by creating notes and relating it with web files.

But in power page management I couldn't do it, if anyone of you have any solution please suggest.
  • Suggested answer
    abm abm Profile Picture
    abm abm 32,252 on at
    Upload multiple Web files in power pages using power automate
    Here is the video regarding this.
  • Suggested answer
    abm abm Profile Picture
    abm abm 32,252 on at
    Upload multiple Web files in power pages using power automate
    Yes its not that straight forward it is. Here is the solution. Here I am targeting only one file. You can extend the SharePoint action steps to loop through other files. This will give you a good idea about how to upload a file under the web files.
    Above replace the right guids.

    Above for the Dataverse action step Upload a file or an image enter the Table name and column as Dynamic content. It won't list by default.
    I will make a video about this how I found all this and post a link soon.
  • MN-09101317-0 Profile Picture
    MN-09101317-0 6 on at
    Upload multiple Web files in power pages using power automate

    I am using new version power pages management in which we to upload file in file content field.

    I want solution for this to upload files in this column using power automate as I couldn't find any relation with this field and table.
    Please help me we you have any solution regarding this.

  • Suggested answer
    abm abm Profile Picture
    abm abm 32,252 on at
    Upload multiple Web files in power pages using power automate
    Believe you are using the older version still.
    Older version you can see the web files attachments under the notes
    Like below
    The new version it moved to File Content data type.
    So if you want to attach the files under the notes do the following
    Then create the notes attachments
    Here you need to specify the previous step GUID under the Regarding (Web Files) mapping.
  • abm abm Profile Picture
    abm abm 32,252 on at
    Upload multiple Web files in power pages using power automate
    I posted the wrong answer hence I removed it. Let me think about this.
  • Suggested answer
    abm abm Profile Picture
    abm abm 32,252 on at
    Upload multiple Web files in power pages using power automate
    I have a tutorial video about how to upload a document in SharePoint using Power Automate.
    Please have a look and comment.

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