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Setting Defaults in a SharePoint List FOR EDITING

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The Issue:
When you go to edit an entry on the SharePoint list, all Drop Downs default to the first selection. I need them to default to what was previously selected before the "Edit" button was pressed. Otherwise you have reimput ALL of the information for every Drop Down when you just wanted to change one.
I'm looking for a fomula or function that will help me with this. I don't care what the default is when making a new entry, just that it keeps what was originally selected when editing. I've tried using FormMode.Edit but I'm not sure what other commands to use to get the result I want. I'm very new to this kind of thing, so please explain things as simply as you can.
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,580 on at
    Setting Defaults in a SharePoint List FOR EDITING
    I need the actual field names and their type of fields and also the actual drop-down names. The whole point here is that I need to establish what needs to go in the Default values of the drop-downs (blank will not return anything). The other thing you can do (although this is only part of the issue) is set the AllowEmptySelection property of the drop-downs to true.
  • JF-20012040-0 Profile Picture
    JF-20012040-0 4 on at
    Setting Defaults in a SharePoint List FOR EDITING

    Thank you for your response.
    The DataSource is: 
    'Company Management Inventory (Test)'
    The Item is:
    If(IsBlank(SharePointIntegration.Selected),First([@'Company Management Inventory (Test)']),SharePointIntegration.Selected)
    I'm not sure if this is what's effecting when I go to edit an entry, and everything defaults to the first item in each list instead of what was previously selected.
    The Three fields I have are all drop downs:
    Building Location 
    Storage Location 
    Shelf Location 
    Sorry if I'm still not grasping exactly what you're asking for here. 
    What I do find interesting is that the single line of text items stays the same and only the drop-down menus revert to the top option when editing an entry.
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,580 on at
    Setting Defaults in a SharePoint List FOR EDITING
    The last question is the most relevant now that I have established that the Default of these drop-downs is blank. Assuming these dropdowns are on a Form, what is the DataSource and Item of the Form and the names and types of those three fields in your SharePoint list you are writing to ?
  • JF-20012040-0 Profile Picture
    JF-20012040-0 4 on at
    Setting Defaults in a SharePoint List FOR EDITING
    @WarrenBelz Thank you for your response!
    Yes, I'm using Drop Downs for this project. I'm attempting to create an inventory management system for my department.
    - I think I'm in classic, but I'm not 100% sure.
    - Default is currently blank as I've been playing around with it.
    - Items: I created cascading drop downs for two different sets of lists. One for Locations and one for Categories.
    Example of the Items Drop Downs for Location:
    Building Location: Distinct('Inventory Location Dropdown Values', Title)
    Storage Location: Distinct(Filter('Inventory Location Dropdown Values', Title = dd_BuildingLocation1.Selected.Value),SubLocation)
    Shelf Location: Filter('Inventory Location Dropdown Values', SubLocation = dd_StorageLocation1.Selected.Value)
    - I'm not sure how to answer your last question. Are you asking for things like dd_StorageLocation1? Which is what I've named one of the dropdown boxes.
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,580 on at
    Setting Defaults in a SharePoint List FOR EDITING
    There is more information required to help you here - I assume these are drop-downs, not combo boxes.
    • Are the controls classic or modern?
    • What is the Default ?
    • What is the Items property of these?
    • What is the names and types of fields these are writing to ?

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