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Sandbox Env Dataverse Implications?

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Hey everyone!

Been having a hard time finding a defintive answer for this based off of my research so was wondering if anyone here might be able to offer up some ideas. I've been exploring and (hopefully) trying to implement a more formal process in PowerPlatform processes (primarily flows) as it pertains to D365/Dataverse in terms of dev/testing.

Basically - When one creates a Sandbox env w/ Dataverse enabled; does this give the Sandbox env access to the entirety of Dataverse tables? Initially we will likely only be rolling this out to more technical folks as we have some flows built but wanted to allow for further capabilities for our folks. Are there further dataverse implications here? Ideally, don't want to replicate the entirety of our prod so we did consider getting some sample data to implement but I wasn't sure if there was a better approach or if perhaps I was misunderstanding how Sandboxes interact w/ Dataverse.
Alternatively, just finding a way to enable more folks to begin making things in PowerPlatform with the ultiamte goal of going into prod - However, I feel like I'm lacking some understanding on the implications of Dataverse and how to really allow for people to be able to model this accurately based off of prod.
  • Suggested answer
    Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar 7,373 on at
    Sandbox Env Dataverse Implications?
    Think there is some confusion about what you are wanting to do due to how you are describing what you want.
    There can be different types of environment (e.g. Sandbox, Trial, Production)
    Each Environment is a Dataverse. 
    Each Environment is also often referred to as an Instance.
    Each Environment has a set of Tables, standard out of the box ones (like contact, account and activity types) and can have custom Tables.
    All of your environments are in your Office 365 Tenancy and part of the Power Platform functionality.
    By default Power Automate Flow is tied to an environment (however, if using the Default environment - not recommended - can be some differences).
    To move things between environments (e.g. Dev->Test->Prod) package things in a Dataverse Solution, export it and then import it into the target environment (or use Pipelines).  Technically Flows also have their own Solution concept, but is generally better to use the Dataverse Solution.
    To move various data between environments use the Configuration Migration tool (or standard Data Export/Import.)
    Technically there can be differences between the different environment types e.g. a Developer environment less storage. A Sandbox environment is essentially the same as a Production environment functionally but technically runs with less Application Servers than a Production Environment, and the retention period of the backups is less.
    Most will have at least: 1 Sandbox as their Development, 1 Sandbox as Test, and 1 Production as the Production environments.  If you have multiple Development environments you need to spend more time and have an environment to 'stage' things prior to moving to Test environment (to ensure work from multiple environments doesn't have clashes)
  • Suggested answer
    bscarlavai33 Profile Picture
    bscarlavai33 196 on at
    Sandbox Env Dataverse Implications?
    If someone makes a sandbox environment with dataverse enabled, it is a completely vanilla environment with only the out-of-the-box tables. So yes, they have access to all the dataverse tables but only the ones in that environment and so if its a new environment, essentially there would only be the base tables and no data.
    You should look into the Center of Excellence toolkit as its built specifically for governing users that are making their own apps/flows with the intent of putting them into a prod environment.
  • Suggested answer
    FLMike Profile Picture
    FLMike 23,258 on at
    Sandbox Env Dataverse Implications?
    To be honest I am confused at your ask.
    When you create a Sandbox and you create a Dataverse Table, people have access to whatever you provide Roles and Access for nothing else.
    Sandboxes are just like prod, except there are somet hing you cannot do, but from a dataverse perspective they are 100 the same.
    They are simply used for Dev and Testing. And in some cases for Spot Reconfiguration meaning making a Sandbox swap with Production and now their roles change.
    Yeah I am still confused. What does modeled off Prod even mean? You want the same tables, same plugins, you want them to bulid apps the same way.

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